Sunday 30 January 2011

A Foreigner's View of Taiwan

tTaiwan as a country is pretty fascinating. From a foreign point of view, it's a study in contrast. It sounds cliched but it really is a clash of the old world and the new. Our friends live on the 18th floor of their apartment building in Jhunan and the view from their place kind of gives a picture of Taiwan. 

Out one window, you can see the sea and all the natural beauty that accompanies it. The other side shows you a mass of grey buildings as far as the eye can see during the day and what seems like a city of lights at night, at least to me. The funniest part is that all of this is overlooked by two temples set high over the city. 

Thursday 27 January 2011

Random Stuff Blurted Down About Taiwan so far......

First of all, I want to apologize for being so lax in my communication. I think people who are away from home expect everyone else to make the effort to stay in touch. I certainly thought to myself that 'there's only one of me, and countless amounts of them. I should be able to just sit here and everyone will be dying to talk to me'. 

But as we all know, that's not how it goes. Everyone has their own lives so it's up to me to make an effort too. Hopefully, this will be the first of many posts that will at least open up the lines of communication between me and anyone else who cares!

So, where to start?