Monday 21 February 2011

The Tourist Side of Taiwan

This post is more about providing a bit of information about Taiwan for anyone who'd like to know. I think it has a bit of a bad rep - the only thing people said when I was coming here was "at least you'll get loads of cheap crap". The information I could find before I got here was sketchy at best and didn't really give me an accurate picture of the place I was about to move to.

So, in a way I'm trying to right the wrongs against my current home!

We've done a fair amount of touristy things in the time we've been here but probably haven't seen as much as we could (and maybe should have). It's always hard to act like a tourist and get stuff done when you're living in a place for a relatively long period of time.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Food in Taiwan

One thing we all need, everyday, is food. We're supposed to eat three times a day to have a healthy diet and when we don't eat we're hungry, tired and irritable. So, it's pretty important.

Which makes it weird that I wasn't worried about how different the food would be in Taiwan. "Sure, I'll eat anything", I thought to myself. I would regard myself as a pretty good eater at home and I thought I'd just kinda be grand with whatever was available here. I've noticed a common theme about things I thought before I got here - they were all wrong.