Wednesday 20 April 2011

Joy to the World

So, we left Taiwan on March 29th on a flight bound for Singapore. I left Taiwan with mixed emotions. It's been a pretty crazy 6 months for us since we left Ireland on the Stena Line to England. I've mentioned all the new things that have happened to us so I won't go into it again but I will say that the experience has had a huge impact on me personally.

I've learned a lot about myself and how I deal with different situations which are thrown at me. Our whole time in Taiwan has been brilliant. Yes, some things really annoyed us at times but everyone loves to complain, right? Right.

Overall, we met brilliant people and have great memories from Taiwan. Along with how much I actually enjoyed living in Taiwan, the teaching was an unexpected surprise. It took me a little while to get into it but I ended up really enjoying it.

I haven't spoken a whole lot about the actual job we did in Taiwan so I'll try to explain it a bit more now.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

The End of the Road

We finished work on March 19th. We decided to take a couple of days and travel around Taiwan before we went home to travel around Taiwan. We're kind of operating on the principle that we won't be in Asia again so we want to make the most of it while we can.

We have done a fair few trips down the west coast of Taiwan and have seen a lot of Taipei in our time here. So, we decided to head down the east coast which is much less populated and see what it was like. Everyone told us to see Hualien and Ylan so we booked 3 nights in the former and 1 night in the latter.