Tuesday 12 July 2011

Laos - Temples, Mountains and Booze

Helloooo all! John has invited me to guest write on his blog or in other words he's just too lazy to write them all. This blog is about our travels in Laos!

Thailand - Beaches, Jungles and Booze

Hello!!  I've been very lax about my updates again. It kinda seems a bit pointless now because we'll be home next week but I'll plow on regardless.  This one is about the gigantic tourist trap that is Thailand. That's not meant to as negative as it sounds but it's the perfect way to describe this beautiful country.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Malaysia - Beaches, Temples and Food

Hello again! I've been really lazy about writing in this ever since we started traveling. I had great plans at the start to give a detailed account of every single place we visited and to let everyone know about the good, the better and the best. How much like hard work does that sound?

Sunday 1 May 2011

Singapore - Welcome to the Woooorld of Tomorrow!:

The first leg of our trip was Singapore. I'd heard a lot about the city so I was very much looking forward to seeing it. If I could pick one word it would be: modern.

About our Travels

As I said last time out, we left Taipei for Singapore on the 29th of March. This was the first leg of the 'journey of a lifetime'. At least, that's what it feels like to us. Basically, we are going to travel across South East Asia and see if it's as beautiful as everyone says; purely for research of course.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Joy to the World

So, we left Taiwan on March 29th on a flight bound for Singapore. I left Taiwan with mixed emotions. It's been a pretty crazy 6 months for us since we left Ireland on the Stena Line to England. I've mentioned all the new things that have happened to us so I won't go into it again but I will say that the experience has had a huge impact on me personally.

I've learned a lot about myself and how I deal with different situations which are thrown at me. Our whole time in Taiwan has been brilliant. Yes, some things really annoyed us at times but everyone loves to complain, right? Right.

Overall, we met brilliant people and have great memories from Taiwan. Along with how much I actually enjoyed living in Taiwan, the teaching was an unexpected surprise. It took me a little while to get into it but I ended up really enjoying it.

I haven't spoken a whole lot about the actual job we did in Taiwan so I'll try to explain it a bit more now.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

The End of the Road

We finished work on March 19th. We decided to take a couple of days and travel around Taiwan before we went home to travel around Taiwan. We're kind of operating on the principle that we won't be in Asia again so we want to make the most of it while we can.

We have done a fair few trips down the west coast of Taiwan and have seen a lot of Taipei in our time here. So, we decided to head down the east coast which is much less populated and see what it was like. Everyone told us to see Hualien and Ylan so we booked 3 nights in the former and 1 night in the latter.

Friday 25 March 2011

A Town Called Jhunan

(Disclaimer: I might veer off into a rant about our town at some stage but I genuinely love it here. I think the 'thin line between love and hate' perfectly describes our relationship with Jhunan. We complain about it sometimes but still love it. And if someone who doesn't live here complains about it then we defend it to the hilt! It's a lovely little town and has been very good to us.)

Monday 7 March 2011

Funny Story No. 1: The Demented Taxi Man

As you can imagine, we've built up a few funny stories while we've been living here. Mostly they're related to cultural differences and not being able to speak the same language as loads of people. I'm going to try and write up any funny ones that I can think of during work and post them up here once a week or so. The main reason I want to get them written out is so that I don't forget them because some of them are actually hilarious.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Things We'll Miss from Taiwan

We are leaving Taiwan at the end of next month (March 29th). By the time we leave we will have been here 6 months. It's probably not a massive amount of time to live somewhere in the grand scheme of things but it seems like a long time to me. 

It's been a pretty big six months for us after all. It's the first time I've lived abroad (I'd never even been to Asia before this), first time I've worked as a teacher and it's the longest time I've worked in the same job - in fact it's my first 'proper' job really. (It's also the first time myself and Katie have lived together, so that's also been a pretty big deal).