Friday 25 March 2011

A Town Called Jhunan

(Disclaimer: I might veer off into a rant about our town at some stage but I genuinely love it here. I think the 'thin line between love and hate' perfectly describes our relationship with Jhunan. We complain about it sometimes but still love it. And if someone who doesn't live here complains about it then we defend it to the hilt! It's a lovely little town and has been very good to us.)

Monday 7 March 2011

Funny Story No. 1: The Demented Taxi Man

As you can imagine, we've built up a few funny stories while we've been living here. Mostly they're related to cultural differences and not being able to speak the same language as loads of people. I'm going to try and write up any funny ones that I can think of during work and post them up here once a week or so. The main reason I want to get them written out is so that I don't forget them because some of them are actually hilarious.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Things We'll Miss from Taiwan

We are leaving Taiwan at the end of next month (March 29th). By the time we leave we will have been here 6 months. It's probably not a massive amount of time to live somewhere in the grand scheme of things but it seems like a long time to me. 

It's been a pretty big six months for us after all. It's the first time I've lived abroad (I'd never even been to Asia before this), first time I've worked as a teacher and it's the longest time I've worked in the same job - in fact it's my first 'proper' job really. (It's also the first time myself and Katie have lived together, so that's also been a pretty big deal).